Removing the Barriers to Enterprise Tool Adoption

May 18th, 2021

Removing the Barriers to Enterprise Tool Adoption

In March 2021, nearly every school in the US completed one year of the abrupt transition to online learning. Technology and data have played a massive role in facilitating this major shift, as schools adopted new digital learning platforms to host instruction and ensure continuity of education. In March 2020, the use of EdTech tools surged 120% in America, compared to the worldwide average of 90%. Experts say this trend will continue. Over 86% of educators believe that the technology needs in schools will grow over the next three years.

However, with the dramatic increase in the use of new-age EdTech tools, the pandemic revealed that many of these tools failed to provide an effective learning experience. For instance, a survey of 40 teachers across the country, conducted during the initial months of the pandemic, revealed that teachers and students alike were juggling too many tools and routines. A lack of proper integration created challenges for teachers to implement and additional confusion on the students juggling multiple accounts and passwords without adding significant benefits.

Inefficiencies in Enterprise Tool Adoption and the Importance of End-User Evaluation and Involvement 

Digital transformation, especially enterprise tool adoption, requires cross-team collaboration and the removal of barriers. This is particularly true when schools have to adopt a cost-saving approach while ensuring they do not end up purchasing licenses or technologies incompatible with their existing tools and products.

For instance, the Pickerington Local School District in Ohio has an established tech planning process that begins each February, when the instructional technology department collaborates with the curriculum department. Feedback is taken from all stakeholders, including purchase decision-makers, teachers, and the IT staff, to decide which tools would suit the institution’s teaching strategies.

Long-term contracts that seem attractive on paper will fail in the real world If agreements happen without proper use-case testing. For instance, a study revealed that 77% of the teachers do not receive any training on mitigating risks associated with video conferencing, and 75% reported a lack of training on phishing and ransomware protection.

Fostering Use Through Perceived Usefulness

Both educators and students adapted to a new means of education delivery, and the system will never be the same again. The willingness of teachers to embrace the new system plays a huge role in a program’s efficacy. It is important to remember that digital learning platforms need to enhance the teacher’s contribution and not replace them. Teachers need to be clear about what is expected of them, otherwise they may end up feeling disenfranchised.

Without a proper onboarding and development plan, even the best-planned tech deployment will face issues in adoption and use. Short, microlearning training sessions with fixed milestones, are one of the available options to reduce new tool resistance. 

Successful training programs should contain the following components:

  • How to use the tool and become a facilitator, rather than an instructor
  • How to use data analysis provided by the platform to personalize student feedback and support
  • How to use the  data to adapt and plan future lessons
  • How to ensure security and student data privacy in content delivery

Likewise, it is vital to engage students in the roll-out process. Students should be provided with incentives to consistently use the platform. Through gamification, students can earn recognition based on their use and progress on the system and leaderboards track overall progress.

However, it is also essential to prevent overuse in the beginning to avoid burnout and fatigue. Instead, by encouraging students with easy-to-achieve incentives,  they will build their trust in the technology.

Look for a Technology Partner Rather Than a Vendor

While it is essential to include all critical stakeholders in the process, having a reliable technology partner is key. Partners who value learning outcomes in terms of engagement, overall satisfaction, and growth continue to provide invaluable and continued support after implementation.

MagicBox™ and its advisory team are ready to help you achieve the best possible results, whether you are already using the platform or planning to launch new products on another digital platform. Contact us to learn how we help with all your enterprise tool adoption needs today.